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Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelets (4 sizes, FREE Shipping)
Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelets (4 sizes, FREE Shipping)
Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelets (4 sizes, FREE Shipping)
Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelets (4 sizes, FREE Shipping)
Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelets (4 sizes, FREE Shipping)

Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelets (4 sizes, FREE Shipping)

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Back the Blue with this beautiful Unisex Blue Tiger Eye Bracelet! 4 sizes available and this item ships for FREE!


History & Lore

Much of Tiger’s Eye crystal healing properties come from its appearance. In ancient times, warriors and soldiers wore Tiger’s Eye when they went into battle because it was believed to bring strength and protection. Roman soldiers in particular believed in the powers of Tiger’s Eye crystal because of its eye-like appearance. The eye represented an all-seeing, all-knowing power, which was highly sought after on the battlefield. Tiger’s Eye crystal stone meaning was even believed by some cultures to ward off the Evil Eye.

Tiger’s Eye crystal was also used by other ancient civilizations, like the Ancient Chinese, who believed it would bring good fortune to the wearer. In Eastern mythology, the magical tiger represented courage, integrity and power, so ancient civilizations associated Tiger’s Eye crystal with these properties and this mythological creature. 

These ancient associations and usages support the energy of Tiger’s Eye crystal as we understand it today.

Tigereye History

Look into the eye of a magnificent tiger. That creature's animal magnetism gleams in this golden-yellow, deeply banded gemstone. Tigereye (also called "tiger's eye stone") is silicified crocidolite in quartz. When it's cut into shapes, that iridescent undulating luster (also called chatoyancy) is as hypnotic as the eye of tiger.

 Lower levels of iron during the stone's formation can result in stones with a blue tinge. Maroon forms of tigereye are almost always dyed or heated to create or enhance that shade. Nitric acid is sometimes used to lighten or brighten specimens which are too dark.

 The eye of the tiger gleams in iridescent splendor. It is more than the thrill of a fight--it is clear-sighted vision to see past survival.

Tigereye Metaphysical Properties

All you have to do to know the spiritual value of tigereye is think of its name. Tigereye promotes clear-eyed vision, helping us see ourselves and the world better. Like the great cat it's named for, this gemstone knows the importance of being attentive to the details. Tigereye is said to combine earth energy with light or sun energy, creating an intense stone that's also well-grounded. Tigereye is said to enhance psychic and empathic energies, while protecting its wearer with an unblinking eye. For that reason it's also commonly used to ease the eyes, through meditation, physical placement on closed lids or other methods. Tigereye is thought to remind you to stop, look and listen before you do any leaping.

 Different colors are believed to have slightly different effects. Blue tigereye is thought to alleviate and release stress; gold tigereye is said to encourage attention to detail; finally, some practitioners apply red tigereye to overcome lethargy of the body, mind and/or spirit.

Tigereye Geological Properties

Tigereye is created when quartz forms over crocidolite--a material of fine, bundled fibers similar to asbestos. (Yes, really!) These are what create the stone's distinctive chatoyant effect. As the quartz layers over and replaces the crocidolite, the iron within it dissolves and stains the quartz, resulting in the golds and browns of standard tigereye. It is a pseudomorph of quartz: a form of quartz which has transformed from its original state.

Tigereye is found in a range of locations: South Africa, Namibia, Australia, India and Thailand. The deposits in South Africa are so extensive, they keep this stone very affordable.


Mineral Information Silicon dioxide, macrocrystalline quartz
Chemical Composition SiO2
Color Gold/yellow with brown; deep grey with black; red
Hardness 7 (Mohs)
Specific Gravity 2.65
Refractive Index 1.544 - 1.553

Proper Care of Tigereye

As a form of quartz, tigereye is remarkably durable and resilient. However, it is sensitive to acids in some common household cleaners and solvents. Avoid bleach, ammonia and sulfuric acid. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are generally safe for quartzes--even pseudomorph quartzes--although caution should be used with the steamers due to possibilities of color shifts by heating. Warm water and a mild soap are safe to use. A soft cloth is recommended, although quartz's higher hardness does help it resist minor scratching.